Monday 10 February 2020

"I told you I was ill"

I thought the above quote from Spike Milligan's epitaph was apropriate.  Maybe that is what the earth is saying right now.  'Look! my cans are overwhelmed!'

The globe was wired to a stake in the ground so it couldn't blow away as it had done a couple of years ago. The Pest from the West ripped the wire through the bracket I had attached at the back and blew the globe two or three feet into the bank.  So I have to find a better way of restraining it.

Monday 20 January 2020

Happy New Year

All the cans are back on the ground now having enjoyed their holiday in the bushes.  They have increased in number a bit.  I think there are about eighty now.

Tuesday 31 December 2019

Happy Christmas update.

I have put a few more on over Christmas, there are about 55 cans now; these are all going back on the ground on Twelfth Night (6th January).



Thursday 12 December 2019

Happy Christmas

This is my Christmas tree.  I was thinking of getting a traditional tree but decided this was more ecologically sound even though it looks as if someone just threw a load of cans out of their window while driving past.  I am half expecting that to happen anyway.  Who cares, it's nearly Christmas after all.

Monday 30 September 2019

I haven't increased the quantity of cans recently but have been filling my freezer with blackberries, so I thought a poem might be appropriate.

Thursday 12 September 2019

So far I am using the cans collected from the road for Planet Can. They seemed like a good place to start and make good vehicles to display the XR symbol. The Installation is outside my house which is on a moderately busy lane. The idea is to gradually increase the quantity of cans carrying the symbol towards the road until people notice that something has changed (as well as the climate?).  My experience so far is that people don't notice this kind of thing very much and are often too embarrassed to ask what it's all about and consequently ask the neighbours who don't know either!!  That was the case with Planet Can which relied on visiting the blog which nobody did.  However I am hoping this might fare a bit better as it is a work in progress and will probably get bigger and develop in as yet undisclosed directions.

There are about thirty cans at the moment plus a few other bits and pieces. The logo/symbol is made out of scrap aluminium then painted and glued to the can.